About the Event

Legal Clinics allows you to meet with the staff and the attorneys face to face.  You also will learn how your case will be handled from start to finish. You will walk away knowing that case will be handled. Meet with the attorney face to face in person with no distractions. Know whom you are dealing with upfront, not some fancy website or profile legal directory rating or advertisement. Get your questions answered and your expectations set and met upfront by an attorney. You deserve to see how their operational flow is so that you won’t get lost in the shuffle and how your case will be handled before you spend your money.

At our legal clinics, you will not only receive a Free initial consult, but you will get your Questions and Answer with Attorney, Receive Free written materials, Receive affordable legal fees if you qualify, Receive additional Discounts based on a sliding fee scale, Learn how your case will be handled, complimentary Refreshments, Immediate case sign up available, Meet your legal team including staff This is just a sampling of what’s in store with our program. There is a lot more that you’ll enjoy.  LEGAL FEES DON’T HAVE TO BE EXPENSIVE

Paying upfront consultation fees before knowing if your case can be taken can be frustrating. Additionally, after your case is taken, being charged for things like copies, and phone calls can also be a drag. You get quoted fees regardless no matter what the circumstances are of your situation. They are not willing to work with you.


They are not the ones for you. With our sliding fee scale and value-based policy, you will not only receive a discount on the quoted fee but you will be able to make an affordable payment plan.

Legal Clinics also allows you affordable payment plans and discounted legal fees based on your income. Additionally, you will have an opportunity to participate in legal insurance for your future legal needs and the opportunity to apply for legal financing.